Cooking and eating good food has always been one of the great pleasures of my life. On this site I've tried to assemble some
of my favorite recipes, both so I can keep track of them myself and so that others can share them. I've also included some
cooking tips I've learned through the years, and links to other recipe and cooking sites that I enjoy.
I first became interested in cooking as a child. I hated the plain old foods that my Mom cooked. They were
good, but I favored the ones that she mixed up with special ingredients. In reality, I later realized that they were the same
old foods she prepared every day, they just seemed special because of the way she served them. Then later I opened a restaurant,
and realized that it was the combinations of food that made people want to come back to my place. My specialty is cooking
wonderfully delicious home cooked food on a strict budget, these days. I have four kids who love to eat. I'll be sharing a
variety of recipes here on this site. Bon Apetite!
An exciting part of having children at home, is the challenge to present meals that are healthy, quick to
prepare, and ready to eat at various times during the day. I find it's easiest to do this by using the crock pot and
turning it on low as we start serving. With kids coming home from various activities at different times, I often need
to spread dinner over three or four hours. When you find a recipe here that you like particularly well, be sure you
comment on our guest book, or send me an email.
Please sign my guestbook and let me know what you
think of this site. Also feel free to contribute to this site with your own tips and recipes. You may send them to my email
address at